
Originating from medieval codes of chivalry, the art of duelling persisted in the 19th century. Although the classic sword or rapier was replaced with pistols, both weapons continued to be used till the end of the 19th century. Because a lot of promising army officers were killed in duels, the army disencouraged participating in duels. […]

The story of the Bible

This guided tour will focus on the biblical story through the eyes of 19th century painters. Not restricted by rules of the church regarding subject choice and in a time where the biblical Palestine was rediscovered, the visual language changed to tell an old story in new clothes. We will start at the very beginning […]


Nudity is a subject which always attracts the attention of the public. In the 19th century artists dared to shift the subject from classical nudes such as Greek and Roman figures, to contemporary naked bodies. To accomodate moral objections, this was often done in the context of exotic orientalist themes. A perfect example of this […]